
By Eleanor Kazdan, September 21, 2021 — Soleil and LuAya stayed with us this past weekend while their parents were in New York City celebrating their tenth anniversary. Sunday was a beautiful sunny day. We went up to the roof deck where I did a fifteen-minute writing practice, Soleil read a book, and LuAya drew a picture. Thinking of a topic to write about, it seemed obvious. I would write about my grandchildren.
I have never been a long-range planner. When people would say they had a five- or ten-year plan for their lives, I was astounded. My modus operandi has been to take opportunities as they came up. And I have had a lot of amazing opportunities in my life.
So when I was younger I never thought about grandchildren. If I had I might have held on to my walkie-talkie doll Rosemary, my baby doll Frances, my purple and yellow bunny rabbit, and my Little Women books. My daughter Julia was never interested in these things. So sixteen years ago, when we moved to the city and downsized, I got rid of them, along with many other possessions.
If I had thought of future grandchildren I would have bought a more kid-friendly house. Not one with dangerous railiing-less stairwells, and only one small extra bedroom. But sixteen years later here they all are these three beautiful grandchildren — Soleil, LuAya, and Aron. LuAya would have loved to meet my old dolls, and perhaps read Little Women when she was older. She is sad that I gave away my doll, Rosemary, and has given that name to one of her dolls as a tribute.
My lack of a life plan has worked well for me. Some people have more of a long-term vision. One way is not better than the other, just different. But everyone just finds themselves present in the here-and-now, however, they got there, and whether they had a plan or not.


First Memories