Who Am I?

By Elliot Doomes, September 12, 2019 — This is a story about two people who seemed to be compatible in every way. With the exception of controversial issues. They can never agree on the correct stand to take. Whichever stand one would take, the other would contradict and take the opposite. They would argue their points almost to the point of verbal hostility. They would even go so far as to judge and condemn the other’s opinions. I think that they could accept the fact that they are different people, and allow each other to be who they are and not judge them for who they think they should be. That’s the key point right there. Perhaps in that understanding and acceptance, they could begin to bond and form a lasting relationship and friendship.
Now this is the third person coming here, and … he said, “Well, [that’s] sound and interesting advice, sir. But tell me, how do you stand on controversial issues?” Well, let me say this: I may not always be right, but I’m never wrong. I’ve met people like that; they’re never wrong. I don’t care what you say, they’ve always got a way to interpret something.

There’s a guy here who’s like that. He’s gone everywhere, he’s done everything, he’s even worked on a nuclear submarine if you can believe that! I call him every once in a while and ask why he doesn’t come to the center. He says, “Most of the days, I’m down at the casino.” Well, that wouldn’t be for me. Maybe one day I might go with a group, but he’s going in two, three times a week, but for what? But the stories that he tells me! He’s done everything. Whatever you say, he’s done it. One day he’s going to tell me he was Admiral or something.