What Happened to White Jesus?

By Iris Wildflower, Apri 25, 2019 — Remember White Jesus who hung out at Love Park in N. Phila.? During the late ’90s and early 2000s. Remember White Jesus, walking around in sandals and a white robe…taking pictures with the people always smiling and blessing the crowd.
Where is White Jesus? This man who washed his feet [in] water… ate with us, as well as pray[ed]. What happened to White Jesus of Love Park? Have you seen him? Hey, I remember him someone said, “Look he’s on YouTube – is this him?” “Yes!” I cried, “He looks like him, acts like him – could it be…” White Jesus of Love Park N. Phila. on YouTube. I thought I saw him during Holy Week at the Hub Of Hope talking and praying with the people…No I just was thinking too hard….April 24, Mother Theresa and The [n]uns were feeding people at the Hub of Hope as the nun read from the Bible, I looked up. Behold I saw White Jesus standing there with his head humbly bowed as the nun in the blue and white robe prayed.

Wow, White Jesus was dressed in cargo shorts and a shirt, with sandals on his feet. [He was] so humble. We had dinner together. Welcome Back, White Jesus.