This was My Childhood

By Sandra Fiore, December 9, 2019 —  When I was 16, I lived in upstate New York and my mom made me quit school. My dad took me to a rich neighborhood to get me a job as basically a maid. I would just run around doing whatever the rich people wanted me to do, mow lawns, clean things and whatever else.

Well, eventually I ended up seeing an advertisement for the job core on TV. So, I went and joined as a hairdresser. I was 17 when I went there so I stayed until I was 18 then you had to move out on your own. So, I was by myself with nobody to take care of me. So, I met this guy and got pregnant with [my son]. I ended up moving with [my son’s father]. Soon after he left us, so I raised your father on welfare. Then the casinos opened and a friend of mine called me to offer a job. 1979 is when they opened, and I have been with them ever since. I started off cleaning and moved up over time. Then I met my husband who had also been working at Bally’s during the same time. We have been together for 29 years now.