The Law — It’s not Being Enforced

By Joan Bunting, January 16, 2020 — There was a law made several years ago that those who walk their dogs and hired dog walkers must pick up their dogs’ waste matter. Even little green or blue bags were provided for them.
As I walk through my neighborhood, I do see these little bags. I see them left by the curbs, trees, poles on and sometimes beside steps. Even in the middle of the pavement. Sometimes there are no bags, but waste matter left on the pavement. When those bags were provided for the people, don’t you think a receptacle should have also been provided to drop these little bags in? I walked down the street to see where nothing has been taken up, and either the dog or people have stepped in this filth.
I know that the police have a tough enough job to do, so when this law was made, shouldn’t a different group have been hired to make sure this particular law was kept? The reason I brought this subject up is because I just recovered from pneumonia. I just learned after all these years that pneumonia is contagious. And that pneumonia is airborne just like other colds and such.
Well, I was thinking one night that maybe my illness was caused by the filth from dog waste. When I’m walking down the street, I can smell it and it doesn’t have to be seen, especially when it rains. People should be aware of the diseases that can be a danger to others and be made to abide by the law.