The Day I Met My Husband

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By Sarah Braun, Somerset, NJ, October 16, 2019 — I met your grandfather at school. It was at college, at Drexel. It was probably a Friday night or something like that, they had Friday night dances. That was common to do back then at the student center. Somebody threw records on and it was not an expensive thing being done.

I went over with my roommate and Mary Lou (who lived across the hall) and her roommate, in total maybe 5, 6 or 7 of us went over together in a group. So we went to the dance and he went to the dance and he asked me to dance and so forth. That was normal procedure. The girls all went together and the guys all went together and then they just danced together, or danced with girls. Boys didn’t dance with boys, but the girls could dance with girls. Then he asked me out again, later on. That time, we probably went to a fraternity party. They usually had something going on every weekend. We had sodas and it was not a fancy party or anything like that. And then he asked me out again and again. Some of my girlfriends there, they said “who’d you dance with?” and “Who’d you do this with?” and I’d tell them. They said, “Oh, he’ll ask you out twice and that’s it.”

He had a reputation of asking out the girls. And then of course, the frats and sororities were all starting to rush people and they were the ones that told me, “Yeah I know him.” He had a reputation. He’ll only go out twice with you and then go onto someone else. And yeah, that’s how I met your grandfather.