The Best Things I Learned In My Life

By Joan Bunting, April 11, 2019 — In my lifetime I’ve learned many things. For instance, I’ve learned to do unto others as I would like others to treat me. I’ve also learned to be respectful and considerate of others. I was taught how to carry myself as a lady, love my enemies even though it can be very, very hard to love someone who has hurt you.
I’ve also learned to share even if I only have a little or it’s my last. How to be a good listener, that’s how you learn. Also, everyone is not your friend.
I’m still learning how to keep my mouth shut sometimes because when I’m trying to tell someone a truth about something and they’re not able to accept the truth, I’m accused of being a little know-it-all.
Sometimes when I’m talking I have to explain every small detail. I’ve always been a talker around those I feel comfortable with. To make a long story short, I’ve learned to love — my creator with all my heart, mind and soul.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in this life is, to just at all times, to be myself.