That’s No Kitten

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By Hesh Becker, October 4, 2017 — We were living in Sunlight Lake and staying with friends at Sunrise Counter. We used to get deliveries every day from a farm, the Crystal Spring Dairy. They would deliver on to the porch, bottles of milk, butter, and cheese. So milk came in a brown bottle, and was pasteurized but not homogenized, meaning it had been bottled but never mixed together. The bottom was skim, the top was heavy cream.

One morning I came out milk delivery, and when I came around the bottle of milk was broken, and in the middle was a cat licking the milk. We brought the cat inside, my brother and I asked if we can keep it. Not knowing it was actually a bobcat, we take the cat into town, got it shots, cleaned its ears. My mom bought a little blue leash, my brother and I would walk it. We brought the cat back to Brooklyn, and raised it as a pet. Probably in the spring, eight months later I was walking the cat on my street and out comes a lady walking her pet bulldog. Then when the two of us met the dog, it started growling at the cat. The dog was much bigger than the cat. So the cat goes on its haunches and takes a paw, out comes five fingers of death. Each claw was two to three inches, in one swipe it took half the dog’s face off. The woman was screaming in the street. A few days later, police and an animal control officer showed up at the door saying, “Give it to us it’s a bobcat, not a regular cat.” They told us they were taking it to a zoo, but my brother suggested they were shooting it in the back of their van instead. We never knew what actually happened to the bobcat.