Table Talk

By Angela Wright, Jan 8, 2019 — Sitting at a table in the lunchroom you can hear some interesting conversations. There is talk about CCT [Customized Community Transportation] and how they come when they get ready. Someone said, “I am always picked up on time.” Another said,” They pick me up at 7:00 a.m. and I get to The [Senior] Center a half hour before it opens. That’s bad on days when it’s raining.” Others remarked that in the afternoon they get one person at a time and if you live in Germantown they take you all over Philadelphia before you get home. Well, as I listened without joining in: I thought I’m not alone in this journey of CCT transportation. I don’t mind, but when they pick me up at 7:00 a.m. and I only live about six minutes from The Center I do have to wait for the doors to open. I don’t complain because I do enjoy the door to door service.