Some People Ask God Improper Things

By José Dominiguez, November 14, 2019 — My wife was a hard-working woman and I have never being a hard-working man but managed to keep myself busy. My wife and I hired a middle-aged lady who helped us in our housekeeping because of our occupations. I don’t remember her name, but we called her “Blondie” (Guera). She really knew how to do everything and also was a mother of 10 children. Her appearance looked like a very tired person but always in action. Her husband was a healthy good-for-nothing guy that was thinking always in motorcycles and having babies (sex). Blondie just loved him, just as he was. One day Blondie told us, “My husband is so good, he is really a good Christian. He knows how to pray and how to be in touch with Jesus.” When I heard that, I asked Blondie, “Tell me please Blondie, one of the most important things that your husband asks Jesus?” She was so proud of him that answered quickly, “Oh, he prays for us, and mostly for me?”
“Why for you if I may ask?” I questioned.
She answered, “He prays for me so Jesus gives me the energy and strengths I need to continue working so hard. Oh he is so gentle.”
“Oh my god!” I thought to myself, “Why he did not ask Jesus to find him a job?”
Well, everybody has different needs I guess but I kept silence and I prayed for myself, “Jesus I know you don’t have an employment office but please find a decent occupation to this guy.”