Some Children of Today

By Joan Bunting, March 21, 2019 — While eating lunch, there was a discussion about how children were brought up differently than the young people of today. It makes me very grateful that I was raised at the time when most children were taught to respect their elders.

I’m sure that there are some parents that teach their children manners and respect for others.

Watching television shows how some children are the way they are, disrespectful not only to their parents but also to ones that are old enough to be their parents and grandparents. Children watching these shows grow up thinking it is alright to give lip or sass to grown-ups.

And another observation I made is how children are referred to as kids. I have six children, I did not give birth to baby goats.

I was watching Ellen’s show “Game of Games” the other night. The question was, “What is the name of a baby goat?” Well … the [person] question was asked [of] did not know that the answer is a kid. She probably y only heard children being referred to as kids. And every time I hear someone calling a child, a human being, a kid, it angers me. A kid is an animal, not a child.

So to say all that made me think that is why some children act the way they do, like young goats, destroying whatever is in their way or just destroying just to be destructive.