
By Norman Cain, June 16, 2020 — You know what, when you look at it the Chinese, the Japanese, the Jewish folk, the Irish folk, they’ve all been persecuted in the United States. You go back into history, you know. I remember one time when I was working at a reform Jewish camp when I was a kid for 3 years in the Pocono Mountains. [It was called] Camp Joseph and Betty Harlam. We had a conference, and this must have been in about ’58, about the same thing we are talking about now with prejudice. There were 3 young ladies that were campers, they were teenagers, from Mississippi, Jewish young ladies. When it came time for me to talk about prejudice, they broke down and cried because of what was happening to the Jewish folk there in Mississippi. The folk that were running the camp had to dismantle that meeting. So, it goes way beyond just Blacks because groups just hate one another for some stupid unknown reason.