Practice Thinking

By Delores Wilson, January 23, 2020 — The movie was about a plant that was developed by scientists. The plant had no roots of its own. The plant, unbeknown to the scientists, had become highly intelligent. The plant who they called Little Joe would release pollen when it was sniffed by human beings and they would feel a need to protect and love it. They would become totally addicted to its presence.
The plant developed roots in the human beings that encountered it. As I was watching the movie, questions came to my mind about our society of late. How many of us write in cursive, tell time by watch or clock or know phone numbers? [How many of us have] social skills such as face to face interaction? Have we people become dependent on technologies for instant gratification? You know the old saying, “If you don’t use it you lose it.” We must continue to practice thinking, to create new ideas. May we realize that technology is an aid and not a life support.