My Letter to the Republicans and Democrats of Congress

By Rochelle Tynes, October 17, 2013 — You were given your positions to try to make things easier for the people of our country to live in the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Instead, lately, all that you have done is cause a great deal of anxiety, hard feelings, and in some instances, hatred for your groups. This is due to your bias against our president, whom you wish to annoy and possibly cause him to break down his principles to be a puppet to do whatever you wish. 

In the meantime, people are suffering because of a lack of income and stability in their lives. Your group needs to start thinking of its constituents and to make laws to change things for us so that we can be less harried about how we are going to manage in the future in terms of Social Security, Medicare, etc. I could write a great deal more but time does not permit. I just wish you would stop acting childish and make things better.