My Favorite God Story

By Mrs. Stevenson, March 27, 2019 — One of my favorite God stories was from the battle with the Japanese kamikazes. And it was a story about my husband. He served on the USS independence. It was an aircraft carrier, and they called it “The Mighty Eye” because the sailors felt it could not fail them.
He had just gotten off his battle station during a severe battle. He was just out of the shower when the general alarm sounded for him to go to his battle station. So he jumped into his dungarees, grabbed his sneakers and reached in his locker for his wallet that had all the pertinent information. Up the stairs he went. And about 3 to 5 minutes later that compartment was completely destroyed by a torpedo. He was up in the radio room, and it was very bloody and very horrible, and it went on for several days. When he finally could find a change of clothing, which he didn’t have, he went to look at his compartment, and it wasn’t there. Just a big void. And they almost abandoned ship, but they managed to get waterproof before they had to abandon ship. So he was looking for some clean clothes, and he reached into his pocket of his dungarees and instead of his wallet he pulled out his Bible. It was a small Bible that they had given him when he went into the service. And I just feel that God was watching over him! I keep the Bible right on my dresser. Inside the Bible it reads,” This testament was only article that went entire WWII with me all else was lost in actions. Mar-Apr 1943. Boot Camp”