My Blessed Night

By Joan Bunting, March 5, 2020 — My daughter had taken me to Las Vegas, was it Las Vegas? Anyway, we went on a trip, you know, where we gambled. But I mean it wasn’t all about gambling, they had shows and everything, and – I was, of course –  I’m not a gambler y’all but I like to play the slots because of the little – you know, it’s just fun. If I don’t win that’s still fine with me.

But anyway, I was at the slot machine and I was playing and playing and playing. And it was getting late because everybody actually had left. And I’m sitting up there all by myself. And that particular night –  now, this is going to be a short story –  that particular night, I couldn’t lose! Every time I would put my quarters in there, I would win. And I kept winning and winning and winning. But then it was getting late and I said, I better go. So, as I went out and I started towards the hotel where we were staying, it was – I guess they were guards, it was a man and a woman on this thing and so – I don’t know how late it was, it must have been after one o’clock- but they asked me, did I want them to take me to where I was staying. I said, sure! Before I left the casino I had called my daughter and I guess they were asleep or something because nobody answered the phone. So I was glad to get that jiffed. I just felt lucky because I just couldn’t stop winning; I don’t know how much I won that night, but I couldn’t stop winning but I had to get out of there. So that was my- I was blessed. Even though it was gambling, to me, it wasn’t gambling because like I said I was not a gambler. To me, it was just having fun. It was just having fun. So that was my blessed night.