Looking for Work Mexican Style

By José Dominiguez, October 31, 2019 — I cannot speak about how all Mexicans seek jobs but I can speak about how I tried to use a traditional way of looking for a job in Mexico. It all happened after I decided not to spend my precious energies doing a boring dissertation for my doctoral degree and I found myself with an income less than the standard. (Meaning that I was broke.) But, I used to be acquainted with Carlos Yates. A lucky one, a doctoral companion who had very good relations in my hometown, Ciudad Juarez. I supposed we were close, and in a way, I thought he was my friend. Assuming that, I asked him for help to find a job. He acted very cool and professional and explained to me how to write a successful resume.

My gosh! I was expecting a more Mexican response such as “I will speak with my friends,” or “Let me look with some important people I know,” but giving me a class of how to promote myself was nonsense. It was an easy way to get rid of me. Carlos never [lost] composure and continue lecturing me, saying “By the way Pepe, you have a relationship with very powerful persons in the political system. Why don’t you go with them?”
“Like who?” I asked surprised.
“Like Lu Carrillo Doran. He is a high politician and millionaire and he is your relative.”
“Lu Carrillo Doran?” I repeated loudly, “No I can’t go to him.” I said.
“But why?” He insisted.
“Because the last time I saw him in my father’s house, my father as usual was very honest and very straight. And among other not so nice things, he said to my politician guest, Lu Carrillo Doran, “You know…all politicians are thieves, they enter to politics only to fill their pockets with money!’”

Carlos Yates changed his facial expression and said, “Well Pepe, we shall better continue with your resume.”