Let My People Go

By Iris Wildflower, September 12, 2019 — In times like these, you need a savior. In times like these, you need an anchor, be very sure, be very sure, your anchor holds and grips the solid rock.
This rock is Jesus. He’s the one, the only one. Be very sure. I’m so blessed to have been raised, rooted, and grounded in the Lord. These past few months have been the most trying, emotional, heartbreaking, evil, and good times of testing. In my life, from toxic relationships of family and friends to people just on the street who just don’t like my spirit, never in my life has folk tried to hurt me so hard. That green eye Jezebel jealous spirit plotting, scheming, setting traps and pitfall — only to see the God in me shine forth. Oh, to be kept by Jesus, kept by the power divine. I’m safe in his Holy keeping [and] he will ever hear my cry. Thanks, Dad, Mom, Grandmom, and Grandpop for making sure I was and am rooted and grounded in God.
I would have been lost sinking down if my parents didn’t teach me to love and trust Jesus.