I’m Alive

By Delores Wilson, March 5, 2020 — I want to share a story that actually happened to me in ’75, in the delivery room. And what happened was that originally I was told that I was gonna have twins, but when it came time to deliver, they found out that the baby was breach. So ok, they’re going along with all this medical jargon, which I understood what they were saying. And the doctor said, “We’re gonna have to turn him around.” OK. And as they’re doing what they’re doing, I hear some more medical terms and I discerned that complications had set in. Either I’m going to have a hysterectomy, or I’m gonna die. This is how serious it was.
So what happened was, they turned the baby around – he was fine. The hospital that I went to, Germantown, they didn’t give you anything, they just gave you a spinal. So I was awake as I thought. But in between the time before they transferred me to the gurney, I happened to look down and I saw red. And I said to the doctor, I said, “I’m bleeding.” They hadn’t noticed, and they looked, and she said, “Yes, she is!” So they transferred me back to the table. So in the meantime apparently I went out. And what I saw was – I was going through a tunnel. I saw this blue light and this white light at the end of it, and there I saw Jesus. And he said to me- he said, “Go back.” Because I said, “I want to come!” He said, “Go back.” He showed me my son who I had not seen. He never opened his mouth, but I understood what he was saying telepathically. And, I understood what he did.
Ok, so, in the meantime they had taken me to my room, and when I woke up I thought, this nurse who looked like one of the flying nuns, (that’s the kind of hat she had on) – I asked for water, she gave me water. I asked for the bedpan, she gave me the bedpan. And I went back to sleep, or so I thought. So when I woke up again, for REAL for real, I looked – I saw I had an I.V. in my right arm and I had a coudé catheter. So I looked around in the room and I noticed I was just the only one in the room and two more beds. So I discerned that I was in intensive care.
So, I’m still discombobulated because I feel fine, I’m thinking it’s something wrong with the baby. So in the meantime at Germantown at that time they had the chart at the end of the bed so I scooted down and I read the chart. When I read the chart, that was life-changing for me. It was life-changing.
What had happened…when I read the chart, I realized the baby was fine. But it was me. It changed the whole way that I thought about God. I was raised up in the church, I was baptized, and I wanted to return to the Lord. It just changed my whole outlook on life. And what happened – when the nurse came in, I asked her, “How was the baby?” She said, “The baby was fine.” But she had a look in her face, that – it isn’t the baby. They never said, “It was you…”

So, long story short, I rested that night. I went to get up, she said, “No, you stay in the bed.” She said, “Just stay in the bed.” So I stayed in the bed, and that next day they took me to see the baby. And from that point on what the Lord had said to me concerning that baby, he enabled me to follow through with it. And I‘m thankful for that, because that was one of the most blessed days of my life. I’m alive.