I Wonder

By Elliot Doomes, November 14, 2019 — Today, I’m going to write about the violence in the city. If I open the door in the morning and I step out into the chill morning air, I look out at the bus stop, and I see my neighbors walking by. I wonder how many of us will see each other tomorrow! I wonder how many of us may be victims of senseless gun violence during the night? I sometimes, at night as I lay alone in my bed, I could hear the sound of gunshots throughout the neighborhood.

See, I’m trying to figure out how to word this, because I get reactions to the sound, as I pray that the life of another child hasn’t been senselessly taken, by accidental shooting. Like a man has shot his son in the chest, and I can’t imagine why anyone would shoot anybody’s child intentionally. So for my own sanity, I believe it had to be an accident. I can understand there are some wicked people in the world, but I cannot understand how anyone can destroy a child who has done nothing wrong to hurt anyone, how he could deserve to get shot in the chest. And I just keep wondering and wondering and wondering and wondering.