
By Frances Bryce, June 13, 2019 — My gym is located directly across from my house. I have scheduled my days on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I don’t always follow these days but I am committed to 3 days a week for 1 hour to 1 hour and thirty minutes.

My first visit, or at my earliest visit, I had a personal trainer. She was very good getting me to the point that I could select machines to do these exercises that would improve the areas that I hopefully would get the results that would keep the body from becoming what I call “one piece” (ab body with no waist).

Regular gym attendance proved to be varied and some very interesting. I gave some names to attendees of many of the traits observed. Mr. Clean wipes down each machine before he uses it, even though most people wipe down the equipment after they use the machine. He often does not spend effort after he leaves the ones he just finished.

[Another] young man spends a lot of time in front of the mirror after each workout, which leaves me wondering if he expects an immediate transformation after each rep.

One guy seems to be there I suppose so that he can say he attends the gym. Short visits and not much work out time.

The ones I find most interesting are the ones who choose the heaviest weights off the rack and put them back almost as soon as he removes them or does not re-rack them.

A day at the gym can also be bodybuilding, and a great time of being in the atmosphere even if it’s just to observe.