Guardian Angels Without Wings

By Barbara Garnett, March 20, 2018 — My mother would often say to me, “Barbara, I won’t be with you forever,” but I would say, “You’re not going to die or leave us.”
My mother would go into the hospital(s) to have a baby and return in three days. She would sign the necessary paperwork and come home to her family. This was years before it became necessary to go home early after having a baby. My mother was always working. She had a lot of children and a husband counting on her. I never realized how hard it must have been for her until I had to take on some of the responsibilities. I came from a secret and mysterious time when a person dealt with problems in a special way; always solving your own problems.
Back in the day the term was “retarded” but every family has a special needs person. I never considered that until meeting and talking to many people while in the work world. Some people have to take care of a sick relative, mother, father, sister, brother, child, etc. How many young mothers need financial aid and supportive help in raising their children and family?
For many weeks, I’ve had to face my biggest problem; finding a personal care home for my brother, Larry. I’ve had to make a lot of phone calls and sign a lot of papers. He had to have up-to-date medical examinations and all new clothing. I’m still getting him clothes. Finally, after two months, I found him a personal care home with the help of my brother Mike and his wife. I have managed Larry’s affairs for over 34 years. Now, my brothers are taking some of my problems on.

Mama was wrong when she said, she would not be with me forever. I can see her in the help I receive from my brothers and sister-in-law. I can hear her in the phone calls from my family. I can feel her hand on my shoulder when a perfect stranger says, “I’ll help you or I got your back; what do you need?” I can see her support in my oldest daughter and son, always giving and trying to get me to leave the house, just to take time for myself.

I will always have dramas and I will curtain calls but behind the stage will be my mother with pride and a smile; saying to me, “Well done.” She is always with me each and every day that God gives me on earth. I’m not alone. Happy Days! I have peace of mind.