Growing Up At Clementon Park

By Laraine Manoli, November 14, 2019 — Some of my best memories of growing up were at Clementon Park. Every year my mom bought me a season pass so I could go swimming in the lake. At that time, they let you swim in the lake. Every week Tuesday through Friday we would go there and let me swim all afternoon. We couldn’t go Mondays though because the park was closed and didn’t go weekends because it was way too crowded. She’d take me down in the afternoon and I would always meet up with a friend from school. Our moms would talk, and we would go swim for hours. I can remember digging for snails and lining them up at the edge of the lake with my friend. Then we would get ice creams cones and then walk home before we had dinner. We did this from when I was about 5-12 years old. That was among one of my happiest memories growing up.