Enlisting into the War

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By George Williamson, April 13, 2019 — I was 17 years old when I decided that I would serve my country. Possibly, the decision was made for me on December 7, 1941, with the attack on Pearl Harbor. Everyone was in a panic and mad as hell. But, for young men like me, it was an opportunity to serve and defend our country. We were eager to go and defeat the enemy who had attacked us. I lied about my age and enlisted in the US Navy. At the time, I had met a beautiful young lady who would soon become my wife. She was 15. We got married and I shipped out two days later as a sailor in the United States Navy. While I hated leaving her behind, I was a proud American who did what I felt I needed to do. I was assigned to the USS Tuscaloosa and was in Italy for some part of my tour of duty. I will never forget my years of service and am forever proud of being part of The Greatest Generation.