Do You Have a Story to Tell?

By Frances Bryce, May 23, 2019 — I believe it’s safe to say that more of us experience a change of unrelated events that you do not have in your control, are very annoying, and have a tendency to last at length and could ruin our day if we give in to them.

I cite an incident of a friend who as arrived at our dance class we attended on time, but was very upset because she was left at a previous center that day when her driver came and left without her. Then to make matters worse for her, he was not coming back to pick [her up] and take her to the second center. Her choice was to take a bus to the dance class or wherever she was going on the last leg of her trip (the dance class). I listened and said, “I understand how annoyed you must feel, but not give power to this event which can’t be changed or reversed. So in the future, you may be able to prevent another time from happening.” I encouraged her to use this event as having a story to tell that you now have the inconvenience of having to take a bus, how much you think this driver should have made sure you were on the bus, etc. etc. [I said], “Now you have a story to tell. So let’s move forward, start dancing as you have been doing and enjoying for years,” which she did.

I told her about a planned trip my friend and I looked to visit some New England states. Her sister arranged our travel schedule since this was her business. When I arrived ay my first leg of the trip, I did not have a ticket for my final destination. I called my friend who was to meet me and informed that I was missing my last ticket. I figured the worst [thing] would be to buy another ticket and be reimbursed later.

The travel arranger (my friend’s sister) went right into action [and] arrangements were made with only a short delay. I went on my way. I arrived at my destination and my friend and I had a great time after she apologized for her sister’s error. Now, I too have a story to tell. The trip was wonderful and she, my dance friend, heard the story because of the snag in my travel. I chose to remember an unexpected incident that could not be reversed. She knew that after an unplanned detour did not ruin my trip. Enjoy a story to tell when it presents itself.