
By Eleanor Kazdan, October 22, 2020 — Imagine the days when we were young there was no such thing as even video calls, we just had to talk on the phone with no videos to our families. It’s hard to even imagine now. No computers but we had telephones, and when my kids were young, we had to just send their grandparents pictures of them. We couldn’t share pictures on the computer or anything, so they didn’t know what the kids looked like until we sent them pictures. Of course, they visited, but very seldom, they lived pretty far away. So yeah, that was in the olden days.
I was at the World’s Fair in 1964 in New York. They had a picture phone there that seemed like science fiction, and that was a big deal. Yes, I was there. [I was] also at the World’s Fair in Montreal in 1967. That was where Habitat started, that Habitat for Humanity, those little houses. It was all very cool.