Colorless People

By Frances Bryce, December 12, 2019 — I began to think of all the things we share in common, and what we often zero in [on]. It seems ironic that people’s color affects a great part that’s affecting the relationship.

As I walked down the city in the center, I suddenly noticed that people were without any color from what they had been before. They were colorless, not transparent. A song on a car radio as it passed was playing. I can see clearly now that the sun is shining…

I had long ago dispelled the idea that in America if we were all the same color, perhaps we would probably have fewer problems. Almost immediately I began to realize that did not hold true. When the same color existed, we would and did find other reasons than color not to have favorable relationships.

The Hutu and Tutsis African tribes and the deaths that occurred between them and the Potato Famine [which] occurred between the Catholics and Protestants [are examples of conflict between people of the same color]. We still find reasons not to consider our commonality and humanity. Am I going mad as I keep staring at my colorless skin in disbelief?

I sat up in my bed, beads of perspiration on my face, and clammy hands. The alarm started to beep, beep, beep. [It was] a dream. Never have I been happier to be awakened.

I looked over and saw my husband in his fine brown frame still sleeping soundly.
My hope for the future that the politicians will realize we are all American.