Celebrating Black History/Elevating Black Pride

By Lady Gray, March 1, 2019 — At my church, I am the unofficial fact presenter when it comes to Black History. Even though it is celebrated every February which has been recognized as Black History Month, I believe in celebrating our history 365 days, 24/7. Originally Negro History Week was celebrated in February. It was selected because of some significant dates including the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and the passing of the 15th Amendment. Later it expanded to a month. The birthdays of Frederick Douglass, W.E.B. DuBois and even Abraham Lincoln are also acknowledged. February is also the month when the NAACP was founded.
Every year, I am permitted to give information about famous and not-so-famous individuals who have contributed to the history of this country as well as other places. Occasionally, I will relay facts about someone as familiar as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but I also try to find those persons who have been kept hidden from history books and our people, like William and Ellen Craft, Henry “Box” Brown or Deborah Sampson Gannett AKA Robert Shurtleff. I also like to talk about people who were part of Philadelphia’s Black History because I am amazed at how much our young people do not know about people who have been in their midst.
Last month (January), my pastor put me in charge of coordinating a Black History program for February 21st. I had a pretty good idea what I would include but believe me when I tell you that God worked it out to be even better than I planned. People I contacted were available to participate but I even got a few calls from people I did not know, who knew my people. God truly put the day together for me so since He did it all went well.
The program started at 3 o’clock just like I planned. The church musicians played first. They did 3 songs and the congregation sang with enthusiasm. I read a scripture for the Psalms and then we had a prayer. Next, a group of children called Diamonds and Pearls did an African dance. It was tasteful and seeing them behave like little ladies was so refreshing compared to others we see on the street sometimes. Hands-For-God Mime Ministry did a mime performance to one of my favorite songs- Something Inside So Strong and it was wonderful. Three poets I know (two who were members of the church) recited and a young praise dance group Visions of Faith did an inspiring dance. They have only been dancing for a few months but they are truly enjoying what they do.