Birth of My Grandchildren

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By Ilene Felman, October 14, 2019 — There is a crazy story for the birth of my granddaughter, Jordan. Marcel’s birth was easy because it was in the summer, nice weather. I drove about an hour to get to the hospital and coached my daughter, Jennifer, through the process of birthing her first child. Jordan on the other hand, chose to be born in the middle of a Nor’Easter. I get the call from my daughter Jennifer that her water broke and they are on the way to the hospital in Norwalk, Connecticut.

I was at home which was in Fishkill, NY at the time. I had a brand new car, and was driving in this Nor’Easter that caused bumper to bumper traffic on Route-7. This was before I had a cell-phone, so I had no way of contacting Jennifer to tell her I wouldn’t be at the hospital for another five hours. I remember dying to go to the bathroom, and I didn’t want to pee in this brand new car, so I pulled over to the first gas station I could find, went pee, and used the phone to call Jen. Fortunately, I made it before she birthed Jordan, so I was beside the bed in order to help Jennifer through it.