A Very Special Book Signing

By Lady Gray, February 2, 2015 — For years, I was the Queen of Procrastinators and then I decided to write a fiction book. I stuck with it until I got it done in 2003. It took me a year to write it, another year to get it typed and edited. Next came sending it off to get it published and last but not least, my book-signing. I finalized a deal to have it at LaRose Catering and Social Club and it was off to the races!
God has a nice way of helping you with your plans when you have a close relationship with Him. I say that because the first thing I noticed is that all of the people who asked, “Can I help you with this project?” They were all named “Karen.” I did not notice it at first but when I was mapping out the plans with my daughter-in-law on the phone, she said, “Mom, don’t you see what happened?” “What?” I asked since I still did not get it. “Well, you said, ‘Karen S. will take the tickets at the door, Karen C. will work the coat-check room. Karen D. will MC and I’m signing.” She was Karen B-G. “See, Mom, your own Karen Committee!” Right then and there I decided that all of them would wear carnations. We would tell the audience that if they had a question, they could “ask Karen.” She would be the one wearing the carnation. Then we would wait to see if anyone noticed how many women were wearing carnations.
There were several things in particular about the book-signing that make it a most memorable event. This was one of the last times that my son Dee would share an event with me before he died in 2004. At 23 years old, he had become a rather skilled videographer and he recorded the whole event for me. It was also one of the final times we have him on tape since he spent most of his time behind the camera rather than in front of it. It was just a glimpse but we have so few pictures of him as an adult, I cherish this tape.
Another special occurrence related to the book-signing had to do with a coworker’s daughter. About a week before the book-signing, my coworker, Tanya called to say that the friend she was bringing would not be able to make it. She was not asking for a refund but wanted to know if I knew anyone who could use the ticket. I suggested that she bring her 12-year-old daughter. Tanya thanked me, saying that it would be a perfect way for them to spend time together.
Much later, Tanya told me that her daughter was less than enthused when her mother told her that the two of them were going to a book-signing. She said her daughter rolled her eyes, made a gagging sound and said “boring” under her breath. This made Tanya so angry that she decided that her daughter would go “No matter what!” On the day of the book-signing, my coworker arrived with a very reluctant guest in tow.
The event went well. A poetry ensemble recited some of their work, two people sang and I read passages from my fiction book, All For You. After the passages were read, there was trivia time when the audience would answer questions about the book and win prizes. We laughed, ate good food and had a great time; even Tanya’s daughter enjoyed herself! I know because Tanya had to leave before the book-signing was over and her daughter vehemently protested having to leave. When her mother promised to buy her a copy of the book, she calmed down.
The following week, Tanya told me that her daughter read the entire book over the weekend and it was the subject of her book report for school. She even took the book to school to show her teacher. I was really pleased to learn that she got and “A” for that report.
As I said earlier, God has a nice way of helping you when you have a close relationship with Him. The icing on the proverbial cake was that I was able to share this special occasion with the man I love. We had been estranged for a decade and a half but during the separation, a few situations and circumstances brought us together over and over again. It felt truly wonderful to be escorted to and from my special event on his arm. My cheeks flushed when he kissed me on the cheek and said, “This day is all for you.” It really was one of the best days of my life…so far.