A Very Bad Year

By Eleanor Kazdan, July 25, 2019 — Seventh grade was a terrible year. My life seemed pretty uneventful until then. Junior high – a new school. Sudden interest in boys. Self-consciousness.

I found myself taller than almost everyone despite being a year younger. How I envied those cute short girls. My hair was unruly and frizzy. I put rollers in it trying to coax it into a flip. That was a flop.

I developed a whopping case of pimples.

And to top it all off, I was flat-chested. My mother assured me I would “grow” to be well-endowed like her. That never happened.

My mother also got it into her head that I had flat feet and needed orthopedic shoes. In the early 60s, people were obsessed with and terrified of flat feet. Actually, my feet were quite normal.

Well, I could go on and on about how awful that year was – pimples, flat chested, [and those] orthopedic shoes that I had under my desk.

My mother absolutely refused to let me get a bra and I wore undershirts. I felt embarrassed.

One day after school, I took my babysitting money, went to the Sears store near my house and bought a bra that I only needed for self-esteem.

My mother never said a word.

To this day, I am proud of that small act of rebellion.