A Call From The Teacher

By P.Jones, March 6, 2019 — It started with me coming home from school in 4th grade. My mother stopped me at the door to say, “How are your grades in school?” The stern tone of her voice made we question why she would ask me in this way. I responded with handing her a paper with my grade of a 96 on it and told her I just received a 98 on my six week report. She had received a call from my teacher reporting that I had an failing grade. All I could think of is, I loved school and no way would I get a grade like that. As the night went on, I couldn’t get this off my mind until it came to me that one of the boys in my class had received a failing grade. He just happened to have the same last name as me. I knew this information but never told my mom or my teacher. I did love school and made my life career as a teacher. The funny thing is I also married a teacher.