80th Surprise

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By Margie Servidio, September 27, 2019 — I just celebrated my 80th birthday. My son and daughter-in-law threw me a surprise birthday party at the restaurant Portobello and it was so beautiful. The day before was my actual birthday and they took me out to dinner with my beautiful grandkids. They picked me up and when I got in the car I was shocked to see my granddaughter Alyssa who came home to surprise me on my birthday. I was so excited and overjoyed. We had a beautiful night but I was a little upset I didn’t see my brothers and sisters on my birthday. The next day was my brother’s birthday party, so I assumed I would be seeing them there so I wasn’t too upset.

The next day my son picked me up to go to my brother’s party. When we got in the parking lot I couldn’t wait to hug all of my brothers and sisters. I walk in the door and I first notice that my daughter-in-law’s brother is right by the door and I remember thinking to myself “ That’s weird, he doesn’t know my brother.” and then everybody all at once screamed “SURPRISE!” I couldn’t help myself so I just cried. I was completely shocked by what just happened crying tears of joy. We had a full gambling table which was fun, I was so happy to gamble because it’s what I love to do. Tables all around we all had so much fun. I least expect them to have that there. Not only that, I saw some relatives I haven’t seen in a while. I caught up with them and talked for hours. The food was amazing and the birthday cake was great! It was so enjoyable. The whole night was such a blur but I remember how I felt at that moment. It was such a beautiful moment and feeling. I wasn’t expecting anything at all. I will forever cherish and remember forever.