Snow Outside the Sanatorium

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By Nancy Lyons, June 27, 2017 — I was in my twenties and I lived in Michigan and they had a really bad snowstorm. I used to work in a TB sanatorium and I had to be to work so, lovely me, I start tramping out into this deep snow up to my hips to work. It took me almost 2 hours to get there, it was about one mile away. But I got there, wading through the deep snow, and me and one other girl were the only ones who made it to work, in that deep snow. And they had another house where some of the aides could go and I went there, and they gave us hot cocoa to warm us up. It was about 0 degrees outside. A TB sanatorium is where patients have tuberculosis. We had to work on all 3 floors that day. They could not shut down for the day, because it was akin to a hospital where the patients were already admitted. I had to wear a mask because the patients had TB and you don’t want to catch it, even though you get tested for it before you start working there. They would not let us go home because of the snowstorm coming in, so we ended up staying at that house for I think 3 or 4 days.