Art Class

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By Carol Swantek, June 27, 2017 —  In 8th grade, I had to change schools. At the new school, we did a lot of artwork. I never did a lot of artwork in the other schools. We did pencil shavings, and shadowing to make the drawings look further away and we put them up on the board and they looked really nice. We also did tempera paint, and I had never worked with that either and that was fun. We hung them up and people voted for the best one. Then at Christmas time, we found a Christmas card that we liked and we tried to draw that too and hung up those on the board. So that was really nice, I really liked all the artwork. We had to give a three-minute talk on some traveling that we did, and we went to Drake’s Well and I talked about my trip there, and brought some brochures for everybody and they liked that. They had singing, and you had to try out so the teacher could see where your voice was, and that was fun because we got chosen to go out of class and perform. We were allowed to talk at this school, and the kids were kinder too. At the last school I was at, we were not allowed to talk at lunch time.