The Soap Box Derby

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By William Zack, August 16, 2017 — I was in a soap box derby which was down on State Street. My dad was a bodyman at a Cadillac garage on 16th Street, so they decided to build me a soap box for the derby that year. So it was my turn against another kid, I was a little ahead over the line, but he had three brothers, and they said he won. They were arguing with me over who won, and they were about three times as big as me, so they said their brother won. They took the winner up to the top of the hill. The people from the garage took me up to the top of the hill, everybody was hollering “Yay! Yay!” But when he went up there, no one was congratulating him. They send the winner to Akron, and they didn’t send him to Akron, they sent me to Akron. So technically I was the winner. I was in the newspaper and everything as the winner. I won in Akron also, first place. I had a trophy.