The Art of Lying

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By Constance Carroll, October 28, 2014 – It seems that lying has become an art today. People seem to find it easier to tell a lie than to tell the truth. I find that people in high places lie to the extreme. These lies have caused wars and rumors of wars. Millions of people have lost their lives because of a lie told from the pulpit. Marriages are dissolved because of a lie. The art of lying gives way to the old adage that “the truth shall set you free.”

I remember when telling a lie was called “telling a story.” Now the common and politically correct way to describe a lie is “telling an untruth.” Guess what?  “Telling a story” is telling a lie and telling an untruth is telling a lieIt is so sad that the world we live in today is so ready to accept the art of lying as a way of getting by. “Thou shalt not lie,” sayeth the Lord!