My First and Last Car

posted in: The Stories of Chicago IL | 0

By Stroud, November 4, 2014

The green 1956 Plymouth was my heartbeat; it was the apple of my eye. The only other car I could fancy was a Stetson Bearcat, which I could only dream of.

I lived in the suburbs and went to school in Chicago. I didn’t know the street to the right of my house was a drag strip. On a Saturday morning I went to the grocery store on the street I had never been on before (which was a short cut to the store). Suddenly cars were on me at very high speeds so I turned the corner quickly and carelessly.

I do believe this was a magic corner because the pole I hit was connected to the telephone lines, a gas line, a water line, and sitting on park district property.

After wrecking the axel of my car, lights were out, some homes had no gas, and the city charges overtime for repairs done on weekends, especially park district beautification.