Kissing or More in the Dark

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By Hub Dretzka, August 25, 2016 — The thought occurred to me that I close my eyes during certain moments. One that stands out is the act of kissing my then fiancée, later my wife. When I would accompany her to her door after an evening together the kiss was always the final “good night” and took several minutes to exhaust. The ritual, on my part, included the closure of my eyes during the sweet moment.

Why I closed my eyes I still have to determine. It sure was not in fatigue or weariness. She inspired me. It always was a very tender moment that I, for one, did not want to terminate. Perhaps that was the answer of my riddle. By shutting out the world I imagined it contained just the two of us.

But I also close my eyes when I brush my teeth! Explain that! And I do it to this day.