For Love of a Farm

posted in: The Stories of Pitman NJ | 0

By Jean Subber, May 20, 2015

It all started with the depression. My father, with a wife and five children to support, was out of work, so to help out, my brother Bob, at the age of 14, went to live with my uncle on his farm.

Bob met Wilma who lived on a neighboring farm and who eventually became his wife.

My sister, May, spent some time on Wilma’s farm where she met their hired hand, Carl, who eventually became her husband.

They bought a farm, and I spent one of my summer vacations there where I met their hired hand, Dick, who eventually became my husband—almost 70 years ago.

Did we buy a farm? No, I am happy to say. Our children met their spouses without enjoying the smell of new-mown hay.