Female Relationships

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By Elainie, October 20, 2014 — I had an experience a few weeks ago that brought forth some wonderful and astonishing feelings while attending a Sister to Sister forum hosted by Reverend John Hannah. He talked with women about nurturing and developing relationships with other women. He had a panel that talked about the different types of relationships women have with other women: mother/daughter, sister/sister, sister/mentor (or older woman/younger/woman), and also sister/friend.

He asked the question, what was the longest relationship (friendship) we, the women in the audience, had ever experienced. As I began to think about it, I knew I had been blessed with many strong, solid female relationships. My dearest, oldest friend I met in fifth grade when I was about ten years old. I’ve known her for sixty-one years, and our relationship is still strong and a blessing. I’ve known a few high school friends for forty-eight years and still keep in touch with them.  I’ve known my dearest two college friends for almost thirty-five years. (0ur class reunion is in 2015.) Yes, I have been truly blessed.